As the set of an imaginative beast epic, the work weaves together elements from three local complex and constructed environments, the city, the park and the zoo. The characters are animals: a fox, a rhino, a bat, a lioness, an ancient female elephant and a pack of invisible wolfs. Other creatures appear to join the council meeting to discuss the human introduction of new regulations and restrictions in the Mammals world. Local fairy tails such as Of Reynaert the Fox (1250) and his in 1941 antisemitic cartoon, are the main inspiration, as well recounted narrations and facts which have formed and represented the relation between the animals’ world and the society. In particular the 1800 century travel of Clara - the first Indian rhino which was stage-displayed for over 17 years around Europe - enterprising idea and organization of the Dutch sea captain Van der Meer. Traditionally handcrafted bricks out of river clay create the space for new anthropomorphic readings.